sexta-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2014


Believe in your deepest dreams.

It's the little things... :)

The surf session today wasn't that great. After i left the water i was walking through the beach, first looking back to the waves one more time. But then i noticed a small rock in the sand. With some imagination you could say that it was heart-shaped. I grabed it, walked a little more and... another one! After the third rock i started smilling...

Even with all the distance between us, you still can do this.

i was wearing the smile you gave me.

Beautiful moments

Tantas tantas saudades destes dias.
Miss those sunny days.

Music to my love #15

O mote é um dia, uma música.

The motto is one day, one music.

terça-feira, 28 de janeiro de 2014

segunda-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2014

Music to my love #11

O mote é um dia, uma música.

The motto is one day, one music.

Sunday's surf session

We were few.

Warming up!

 The others don't know what they missed!

Waiting to get in the water (Cátia)

 For the first time in like a week the waves were good for us.

Great size-shaped waves (Nuno in BB)

 Not great, just good!

Paulo enjoying himself on a right

And we all enjoy it till the last one!

Me droping, stoked!

Already thinking in my next surf session... evolution is coming in my babe's surfboard :)

Till the next time! Surf's up in style!

Music to my love #10

O mote é um dia, uma música.

The motto is one day, one music.

In the morning i become a beggar for your love...  

Friendship, the beginning

It's funny when you have a photo from the day when you first meet someone but yet you didn't knew at the time that she would be so damn important to you...

First surfing lesson together :)

Hang on babe, almost together again ;)

domingo, 26 de janeiro de 2014

sábado, 25 de janeiro de 2014

sexta-feira, 24 de janeiro de 2014

First impressions

Just arrived one day ago. After being on planes for 21 hours! And being in a queue for leaving the airport for 4 hours! Don't really had time to think much about anything. I just have the sensation that life here passes too quickly..
Have had a great reception from there other Portuguese girls, they have all prepared us a great meal. So happy to find those lovely people.
Today I have just spend the day at the compound, by the swimming pool chatting with the girls. :-D
Missing my babe so much.

The day-after

Despite her departure the surfing days aren't over! All i can say is that i miss her a lot.

Today's surfin' friends

 I went surfing with friends to Carcavelos and all i could think was that i would be so much better to share some waves with her...

Going down!

Come back soon baby!

quinta-feira, 23 de janeiro de 2014

quarta-feira, 22 de janeiro de 2014

terça-feira, 21 de janeiro de 2014

The departure

It finaly arrived. The last day i spent with her before her departure to Saudi Arabia. We went surfing in the morning one last time with a friend of ours. The conditions were not the best; a lot of falls for me and weaker waves for her. Doesnt matter, the goal was to go into the water and have some fun as always!
After i left for work my mind became full of thoughts, every little thing that we shared this past few months passed trough my brain...

It's not the end, i know it for sure. How could it be if we're just getting started? A love like this, for me, it's rare. And rare is always good. I'll miss her like hell, i'm already craving to see her again, to kiss her... but at least i know that we'll be together again.

Love you babe, let's meet somewhere half-way around the world... :)

Music from my love #5

O mote é um dia, uma música.

The motto is one day, one music.

domingo, 19 de janeiro de 2014

After-surf fun

When people say to you: "Don't look back" i always think that if i look i can see the future i want for myself - true happiness

Music from my love #4

O mote é um dia, uma música.

The motto is one day, one music.

quinta-feira, 16 de janeiro de 2014

Tempestade em Carcavelos

Apesar da chuva persistente, o swell tinha baixo de 5 para 3 metros e, com menos vento, decidimos arriscar uma surfada matinal. Chegados ao parque de estacionamento da praia olhámos para o mar, "Não está muito mau, as ondas estão boas!" e "Não está tão grande como pensava.", saíram-nos da boca... grande erro. Mal entrámos na água sentimos a corrente a puxar-nos lateralmente! Fiquei nas espumas com a Ângela durante algum tempo, tentando corrigir e incentivá-la. Gritos de guerra fizeram-se ouvir ao nosso redor, "peito para cima!", "rema, rema, rema!", ou "esta dá, deita-te na prancha!", que pareceram resultar.

Depois de duas surfadas com a NSP 7'6, que mais parece um velho navio de guerra (tal a quantidade de buracos, mossas e afins), a Ângela começou finalmente a fazer aquilo que sempre soube: take off cada vez mais rápido e melhor posicionamento em cima da prancha. Resultado: segundos (que mais pareciam intermináveis) a deslizar até a areia!
Mas o mar, esse não dava tréguas, ora era corrente, ora ondas mais fortes alternadas com outras que nem um barco de papel conseguiam arrastar. Completamente desordenado, sem "um pico certinho".

Quando vi que ela se estava a safar decidi aproveitar e ir até outside. Hoje era um daqueles dias em que, chegado lá, imediatamente pensei: devia ter ficado na cama quente. A corrente era mais forte ali, tendo percorrido dezenas de metros em poucos segundos...estando já a remar no sentido contrário! Foram minutos a tentar contrariar a corrente, sempre com um olho nas ondas que iam chegando. O problema era mesmo estar desordenado, com a formação da ondas em locais diferentes. Ao menos tinha a companhia de um bicudo e de um pato (pensei algumas vezes em atirar-me para cima dele, sacar-lhe os pés de pato e sair dali para fora!).
Bem no que diz respeito às ondas propriamente ditas...não as houve hoje. Tirando duas pequenas ondas em inside, as duas ou três que tentei apanhar for...deram para mandar uns voos e mergulhos engraçados! Acabei por desistir, tanto pelo tempo apertado como pela falta de qualidade daquilo que me fez realmente levantar de manhã: as ondas.
Saímos enregelados e a fungar, a chuva não parava e ainda tínhamos que trocar de roupa...resta pensar que melhores dias de surf virão!

Music from my love #1

O mote é um dia, uma música.

The motto is one day, one music.


terça-feira, 7 de janeiro de 2014

The beginning - The other version

This is just a simple post to explain to you all how this started.
As simple as this, when two good friends, who enjoy doing the same old things, realize that they prefer to do it with someone special, and that someone is just besides them.  So, this starts as just a beautiful, ordinary story as others. Why do we think we are special and decided to write about it?
Because we do are specialJ! Furthermore, as I am going abroad, we decided to maintain a place where we would share our stories, our love, our friendship and our adventures.
And, I am not this kind of corny person, I am not really! But the truth is that we both didn’t fall in love for a long time, and when we realized that this passion was something else it was already too late!  We are willed to give a true chance to our love, with all your blesses ;)

After this introduction I am going to post some of our old friendship stories. ;)

quarta-feira, 1 de janeiro de 2014

The beginning

It wasn't love at first sight, no. The first time I saw her was in my early surfing lessons at Carcavelos beach.
A friend of mine introduced us, I tought she looked goofy with her glasses. Hell, how can I remember that? It was on December 2011, two years ago. Since then, we've been together from time to time, mostly on surfing lessons or with surfer buddies. How did it happen then? Well... it just did. When it was not supposed to. Only a few months before her departure to another country... we both thought: shit, now what? Simple, let's enjoy the little time we still have...
And so that's how it has been since then. We wanted to go on an adventure that we could remember forever... sorry, the first of many adventures, after all she's worth of it! So... we talked about renting a van and explore our beautiful sea coast on the south of Portugal, "Costa Vicentina". So many great surf spots, good weather, nice villages and food... oh, and the best person to go with I could ask for! We rented the Kombi and started dreaming for the trip to begin!